Coffee drinkers have a lower risk of contracting deadly diseases.
Scientists have found that people who consume more caffeine are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease.
They’ve also discovered that coffee can help improve blood sugar levels in patients with Type 2 diabetes, and it may even protect women from skin cancer.
Who knew that coffee could be so beneficial?
Coffee is a great way to reduce muscle pain. It’s a natural remedy that can help you feel better without having to rely on medication.
A cup of coffee after your morning cardio can help you power through the rest of your day. Not only will it give you a little extra energy, but it can also help reduce muscle pain by 48%. So if you’re looking for a way to get the most out of your workout, be sure to grab a cup of joe on your way out the door.
When it comes to caffeine content, light roasted coffee has less than dark roasted coffee.
The rich, full-bodied taste of dark roasted coffee might make us think that it is stronger, but that’s not always the case. Even though dark roasts usually taste better, light roasts actually have more caffeine in them. This is because the roasting process itself burns off more of the caffeine in light roast coffees.
Did you know that coffee comes from a fruit?
Did you know that coffee beans are actually not beans at all? They are actually pips from a cherry-like berry. The “bean” is the seed or pit, which is roasted to make the coffee we enjoy. So, next time someone tells you to eat more fruits, you can say you already had one for the day!
It is said that goats were the first to discover the coffee plant.
Ethiopia is believed to be the birthplace of coffee, and the story goes that a shepherd first discovered the energizing effects of the coffee bean in 800 A.D. According to legend, the shepherd noticed his goats acting unusually lively after eating berries from a certain bush, and after trying the berries himself, he experienced a similar effect. The beans of the coffee bush were soon adopted by monks who found that they helped keep them awake during long nights of prayer. The monks would make small power bites out of the beans mixed with animal fat.
Decaf does not mean that there is no caffeine in it.
In one regular cup of coffee, there are about 95 – 200 milligrams of caffeine. If you drink an 8-ounce cup of decaf, there are about 2 – 12 milligrams of caffeine in it. Although it is significantly less, caffeine is still present in a decaf beverage.
Coffee reduces risk of suicide and depression.
Studies have shown that coffee drinkers, specifically women, are less likely to suffer from depression and tend to be more suicide-resistant. In one study, it was discovered that women who consumed approximately four cups of coffee per day were 20% less likely to suffer from depression.
Adding milk to your coffee will help it to stay hot for longer.
When it comes to cooling times, milk takes about 20% longer to do so in comparison to black coffee. By adding milk to your coffee, you can prolong the warmth of the drink for a bit longer than if you were to simply drink it black.
Coffee is actually a great source of fiber
Coffee can help boost your fiber intake. Just one cup of coffee contains around 1.5 grams of fiber, which can help contribute to your overall nutrition. Although it may not seem like a lot, every little bit helps when it comes to getting the nutrients your body needs.