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Reasons to Drink Coffee Before a Workout

Reasons to Drink Coffee Before a Workout

August 18, 2023
reasons to drink coffee before a workout

Are you wanting to exercise but lack the energy to physically get the job done?

Your morning coffee could be the answer to motivating you to start, and push through, your next workout. A simple, delicious cup of coffee is a more natural, healthy, and safe way to achieve stimulation rather than the other artificial, powdered pre-workouts available.


Reasons to drink coffee before a workout

Allows you to work out harder, for longer

reasons to drink coffee beofre a weights workout

Caffeine is a stimulant known to increase the levels of circulating adrenaline throughout your body. Adrenaline wakes the body up making it an ideal hormone to have during exercise due to its ability to mask sleepiness and fatigue whilst preparing you for physical exertion. 

Drinking coffee prior to your workout will allow you to endure a higher intensity of physical activity for a longer period of time, therefore enabling you to achieve more during your workout and improving your overall exercise experience.


Enhances fatty acid mobilization 

Caffeine has been found to assist the body in completing a process known as lipolysis. During lipolysis, stored fats are extracted from the body’s cells and are broken down into fatty acids. 

Once broken down, these fatty acid cells can be utilised by your muscles during aerobic exercise, ultimately helping you to lose weight faster. However, don’t be fooled. Consuming coffee alone does not cause fat loss, the caffeine must be combined with exercise in order to initiate the catabolic effect of enhanced fatty acid mobilisation.


Prevents binge eating following a workout

drink coffee rather than binge eating after working out

After exerting yourself during a high intensity, sweaty workout you may begin to notice an intense feeling of hunger upon completion. During physical activity, your body is burning all of its stored energy and fuel to allow you to continue working out.

Hunger is our bodies natural response to ensure that we eat in order to restore our depleted energy stores. This intense hunger often means that we will end up eating the most convenient and accessible source food even if it is entirely unhealthy. Caffeine contains chemical compounds known as chlorogenic acids which naturally suppress feelings of hunger. Due to these acids, caffeine acts as an appetite suppressant and can therefore help to resist the urge to binge eat after a workout.


You know what you are consuming (unlike some other weight loss alternatives)

Although the weight loss pills, shakes and fads advertised on TV and all over social media may seem convenient and effective, they are more often than not also accompanied by a long list of unpronounceable, unheard of ingredients.

Is that really what you want to be putting into your body? 

Coffee is a natural beverage brewed from roasted coffee beans whose short list of minimal ingredients are food and drug administration (FDA) certified and therefore entirely safe and even healthy. Beyond this, coffee also contains antioxidants, vitamins, manganese, potassium, magnesium and niacin which are beneficial to the health of all.


Drinking Coffee Before a Workout FAQs

How long before a workout should I drink coffee? And how much should I drink?

The peak effect of coffee, and therefore peak release of associated adrenaline, generally occurs 45-60 minutes following consumption, therefore making this the most ideal time to commence exercise. 

The International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) recommends that for the purpose of exercise, caffeine should be consumed in doses of 2-6mg per kg of body weight. The average gym-goer will, however, likely benefit from consuming the lower end of this suggested intake. An average cup of coffee contains approximately 100mg of caffeine meaning that consuming 1-2 cups (240-475ml) 45-60 minutes prior to your workout should provide you with sufficient energy to assist with exercise performance.


Are there any reasons to not drink coffee before a workout?

Digestive upset

When exercising your body redirects blood flow towards active muscle groups and away from the digestive system which can cause some stomach upset due to a slow in digestion.

You can attempt to avoid this by consuming coffee at least 45-60 minutes prior to exercising to ensure your body has had adequate time to absorb the caffeine. Alternatively, you may like to try drinking your coffee as an espresso shot which contain the same amount of caffeine but in a reduced volume, allowing your body to absorb it quicker.


Caffeine sensitivity

Some people do not react well to coffee and become over stimulated leading to jitters, anxiousness, and an increased heart rate. This is not an ideal sensation to feel when exercising, therefore if you experience this from coffee you may want to reconsider consuming it or at least limiting your intake.


Sleep difficulties

Depending on the amount of coffee and the time at which it is consumed, caffeine can contribute to sleeping difficulty and insomnia. This can impair your exercise performance as without enough quality sleep you will not be able to work to your full potential. Caffeine’s half-life is approximately 5 hours, therefore to avoid any interruption to sleep you should stop consuming caffeine at least 6-8 hours prior to your intended sleep time.


What are the best types of coffee to drink before a workout?

drinking coffee beofre a workout

Instant/regular coffee is the most commonly studied coffee when it comes to analysing its effect on sports performance. In saying this, however, other brewing methods such as a French press, pod brewing and espresso are likely to offer the same benefits.

If you intend to complete fasted cardio, then you should only consume black coffee, without any additions, as this contains no carbs. Adding syrups or flavouring should be avoided as not only are they high in calories and sugar, but they are also harder to digest creating an overall sense of stomach discomfort.


What can I consume before a workout instead of coffee?

If you aren’t a fan of the taste of coffee but still want to achieve its stimulating affects, there are a range of alternatives available. Artificially caffeinated options may include pre-workout supplements/powders, gums, or other sport nutrition aids.

These offer a range of different, often fruity, flavours whilst still providing the consumer with same physical stimulation as coffee, just without the taste.

If you are after a more natural source of energy boost, fruit can be a great alternative. Due to their high natural-sugar content, fruits such as apples are a healthy pre-workout option with the ability to provide an energy boost similar to that of caffeinated coffee.


Sometimes we just need that extra boost of energy to push us into a workout we know we are bound to enjoy. High in caffeine, low in cost and a healthier option, coffee makes for an ideal pre workout fuel source, even when on a keto diet.

Although coffee allows consumers to exercise harder for longer, burn more fat and prevent binge eating, it is important to first understand the potential downsides of coffee consumption as well as the ideal amounts, types and times to consume your coffee to achieve the best results.

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